Romantics (chances are)
Chances are we will never come back to sleep again. We'll never close our eyes to the wounds. We'll never be afraid to speak our minds, or ask for clarification, but, most of all, we'll never insist on people's feelings and reaffirmation. Either we'll do it for ourselves or we'll do it for what is still possible to be believed. We wont dive on the shallow water again, accepting the illusions others see in us. When they dont even know what their purpose is. We'll never accept others in our lives because of our solitude or because others have equal interests. We have changed and here are some few new standards. Indeed, we'll never be the same kind or the perfect match, and it aint no problem with that. We'll avoid questionable probability charts, egocentric bets and short-dreamed life views because we have learned with them. All and every detail, absorved and observed. Checking the gaps between our being, our acting and our thinking. We'll never leave the desire for dreaming without planning our own goals, while sticking to the warming arms of the accompanyship. The right accompanyship. We'll never be satisfied with the reason if it not motivated by heart and affection. Getting a hug, a kiss, a passionate glare without even expecting. For the world said is wrong the rising of the romantics, I stand on my feet, and I ,alive , prove them wrong. We'll crave for all we can give and expect nothing less in return. Dont understand the romantics choose to be like that. Understand that some people might hold this in their nature and mechanics. They have the need to give you flowers, to avoid being rude, to rush on saying how sorry they were for what they did. We'll never put out that fire on the belief of this type of incredibly imaginative people. On the other hand, we'll never push others to transform the lives that do not contain this purpose. If there are the naturally romantics, of course there are those who want to prove themselves romantic and emotional. But, deep right there, they know they're only putting some effort to get the results. < the fucking results> That is a sign they were never meant to be happy with you, the romantic. That do not enhance and brighten their will and desires, they need someone different. Independent, useful, strategical, practical and in touch whenever is, in their perspective, the opportune time for that. It is likely we, the romantics, wont help them either with our full-time emotional flux. Our heated continuous attention wet their soil at the point their their senses would drown. Stopping that, using the breaks, speeding down and taking a u-turn from situations like this is accepting that some differences cant be overlapped or changed. I rarely see rational people emotionally dependent. Principally if their purpose is to stay the same and content with who they always were and will be. Because they are their perfect versions already, did you get it? Us, on the other hand, we'll never be satisfied with people who claim are perfect and especially rational. Because that is not our plan and our purpose. We wont go to bed fearing that friends would criticise us, and its not our kind to go to bed craving peoples admiration because of how we solve things rationally. That is not because they are wrong. They are perfectly fit and on their right to be independent. But the opposite is not made to be judged wrong and condemned by their life rethorical trial. We, the romantics, will never be happy with full independence and thats why today society may hate us, the romantics. We confront this supreme force of self-reliability. We are hit by lack of self steem discourse. We are hit by the fact we havent learned to be alone. We are hit everywhere all around by people with, funny say that, arguments. Arguments which neglect our major ideal and dream which is "happiness having someone to share experiences, dreams, sadness, joy and develop each other skills, giving and teaching how to love" or the top-ten half book/half movie citation "happiness is only real when shared". We are not trends right now. I get that has to do with consumerism and how we adapt to relationships and technology. And for that reason, yeah, we are confusing people. -- absolutely detached from the stereotyped exaggerated emotionaly romantic chart and we are so hard to be understood. Not focusing on external organization and practice. We are so inward thats killing them softly. Seriously, I have no idea how a marxist could be a romantic but now I know people are completely diverse and different. We, the romantics, we'll be humanizing and empathetic when there is no way how to understand things from a close-ranged point of view. Because yeah some rational people have a hard time on fixing emotional issues because they lack empathy. Even when the problem is a specific habit. They have a hard time to identify, isolate and talk about it. So, of course, the romantics will be the ones who hug suicides,anxious and depressed people, conforting their imagination instead of making up a list of why they are wrong and how to get away with that. Emotional responsability is part of what romantics have to teach (but not all students may want to listen and participate of affective circles); While reading the lines and doing the count through shit life demands is the course we'd enroll for those who lack the emotional flux but still can enjoy the ride and profit along the way. We'll never be happy if we close our eyes to our choices and our feelings. We are what we crave to be, and we must be attentive to that. We crave to be accepted somehow by someone that allows us to see the other side but still carries the same purpose thet we do in their hearts. We'll never be happy til we accept the love that shares the same ideals we have. We'll be alone because time is the perfect professor and it allows us to see through people's nature. Time allows us to identify the depth of the water. The dive. How dark. How fast or empty. When in a relationship, we are never meant to be one, so we choose flexibility, we choose to be the givers. Our only mistake is choosing non flexible takers. Not the same can be said about people moved by other ideals and principals. Feeling is what is bought and ripped til you run out of trust. And thats when both of us drive parted ways. And we learned, so we dont forget, that our love is not bigger than our nature and our knowledge. At overnight, we sit and lie down and think at the back our minds, there's nothing wrong with break-ups, death and parted ways. We breathe, carefully, so that we know, some of us, may not come back to sleep again.